Summer time snacking
Sweet summertime is here! With summer break beginning and kids staying home without school to go to there is a temptation for them to snack all day long. But, did you know, it’s actually better for them to have organized snack times? Not only will this help your sanity by giving an easy answer to the often asked question, “When can I have a snack?” but it will also help protect your child’s teeth from cavities. Kids should have organized snack times between meals, and not graze on snacks or sugary beverages all day long. Here are some ideas to help you organize snack times.
Sometime between breakfast and lunch, try having your kids sit down for a healthy snack time. A good snack, that won’t cause cavities, would be a piece of cheese and a hard boiled egg, or some celery with nut butter. Another option of a snack that usually won’t cause cavities would be some apple slices or other crunchy fruit, or a smoothie.
Sometime between lunch and dinner, have another organized sit down snack. Some healthy options would be, carrots and cheese, or other crunchy vegetables. There are lots of options, please check out our healthy snack guide for more ideas on what snacks to choose that are best for your child’s teeth.
Just remember, if you organize your kids’ eating times, you are preventing opportunities for foods to cause cavities. The sugar from snacks like yogurt, smoothies and fruit or milk won’t stay in contact with the teeth long if your kids’ enjoy organized snack times. Drinking water with and after snacks will help with this as well. Grazing on unhealthy, or moderately healthy foods throughout the day will give more opportunities for sugars to linger on the teeth and cause cavities. Give organized snack times a try this summer and help your kids have healthy teeth with healthy smiles!